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Discipline with Heart
As a parent, it is often our unpleasant task to help our children navigate the social-emotional waters of Early Childhood. Behaviors during this time can range from calm and sweet to angry and explosive from one moment to the next. The reality for many of us is that we ourselves don’t quite feel up to the challenge of working with strong emotions. If, when the going gets tough, we can remember to ask ourselves a few questions to help bring understanding and awareness, we are better equipped to help our children.
Why Attachment?
Attachment Theory is the theory of human relationships. Bringing our children close to us and holding them close keeps them from feeling the alarm of separation and ensures they can mature and develop freely into who they are meant to be.
Contributor Conversation: Self-Care
Contributors Val Laycock and Sara Norris have a candid conversation about self-care as a parent. Together, they discuss the real challenges and the real need for adding moments to care for ourselves so we can care for our children.
Contributor Conversation: Being Outdoors with Young Children
Contributor, Sara Norris and Early Childhood Educator, Jada Berg have a candid conversation about being outside with young children. Together, they share the joys and challenges of getting outside in all weather.
Simple Holidays
Our Christmas isn’t big or full of presents (they each get one) but for me, it’s exactly what I want my children’s memories to be filled with. My hope is that from it, they carry love and warmth and light with them out of this season and into the next.
Being Present
When a child is free to engage fully in true play, they are able to embody the fullness of every moment.
Shinrin-yoku: The art of Forest Bathing
There is a growing body of research that is paying closer attention to the phenomenon of our body’s reaction to nature. This effect, of feeling better when feeling connected to the natural world (whether it be experienced through a window, a video, a painting, or a walk), is called the biophilia theory. It’s a theory that suggests we have evolution to thank for our reason to seek out nature experiences.
Part of the research being compiled is coming out of the practice of shinrin-yoku in Japan. Shinrin-yoku is literally translated as Forest Bathing.
Attachment at Bedtime: Part 1
Contributor, Sara Norris, shares some insight into how Attachment and Bedtime go hand-in-hand.
Attachment at Bedtime: Part 2
Contributor, Sara Norris, continues the bedtime conversation with some ideas on how to strengthen the Attachment bond before sleep.
Why Attachment?
Attachment Theory is the theory of human relationships. Bringing our children close to us and holding them close keeps them from feeling the alarm of separation and ensures they can mature and develop freely into who they are meant to be.
A Daily Rhythm
I first began learning about Waldorf education when I attended my first session of Waldorf Parent Child Classes. At first, I didn’t know much other than what I had experienced in those classes and I wanted to learn more. I found that one common and confusing theme was Rhythm. It was described as an ‘in-breath and an out-breath’ an ‘expansion and contraction’, but how could I create it in real life with a toddler?
Season 2- Episode 1: Attachment Theory
We kick this season off with, Sara Norris, certified Simplicity Parenting Coach and mother of two as she shares her research into Attachment Theory. Her work centers on how to ease anxiety through healthy attachment.
The Path to Simplicity
Every family just starting out feels the need to find a new way of being together. The ‘babymoon’ period, when a family is joining each other as a physical unit for the first time, is characterized by an urge to slow down and pull in close.
Renaming Anxiety
However, there is hope and the first step of managing any challenge is to identify it. We must face and name our dragons. So, what is anxiety- really?
Parenting In a Nutshell: Understanding Telos
We all come to this life with inherent capacities and, given the right environment- sun, water, shade, space- we have the capacity to grow into a mighty oak. The way we parent provides the environment for a child’s life.