About Us

Finding Joy in the First Three Years
Joyful Beginnings is a welcoming and inclusive online community providing support and resources to all who share their lives with young children, pre-birth to age three. We offer a safe space to gather in support of each other’s growth, to share our experiences, to ask questions and feel a sense of belonging. Joyful Beginnings is committed to being a responsive and interactive community that meets the ever-evolving needs of children, parents, and families. Coming from a place of deep respect for the innate wisdom of children and parents, we freely acknowledge that there is no one right way to do things and encourage finding what works for your child and your family. We strive to meet families where they are, with a loving embrace and without judgment.
Joyful Beginnings was one of the founding parent education programs that began at Sophia’s Hearth Family Center over 20 years ago. Sophia’s Hearth is internationally recognized for its specialized approach, inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner and Emmi Pikler, which honors the dignity and natural development of the child. Sophia’s Hearth childcare is a full member institution of the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN). The world-renowned teacher education program at Sophia’s Hearth has been WECAN recognized for many years and has recently become one of the first training sites to offer the new Birth to Three certificate. Sophia’s Hearth prides itself on our strength in working with families and children in these foundational first three years of life.