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Sleepy Cues vs. Overtired Signs: Cracking the Code
A common mistake when it comes to reading sleepy cues is confusing sleepy cues with overtired signs. Every child cues a little differently, but let’s break down the difference between common sleepy cues and overtired signs.
Saying What We Mean About Sleep
It can be frustrating to enforce boundaries around sleep or hear our children be upset during sleep training. As children will follow our lead on how they feel about sleep, it is important to guide them with our own positive attitude and grounded approach.
The 5 Golden Keys to Finding Quality Child Care
Upon visiting, touring and observing, parents or guardians can ask themselves….Can you imagine yourself bringing your child here every day and can you then imagine your child here? If you have answered yes to these questions, then you can look into all the details of enrollment and see if it is a good fit for your family.
Debunking the Bedtime Myth
A common misunderstanding about children’s bedtime is that it should be at the same time every evening -- for example, always 7pm. Yes, when day sleep is adequate, bedtime will often fall around the same time each day. However, when naps are mistimed, absent, or short, a flexible bedtime becomes a useful tool.
7 Tips for Bedtime Battles
Do you struggle to get your child into bed and to stay in bed at bedtime? Here are some tips to make bedtime a little easier.
The Path to Simplicity
Every family just starting out feels the need to find a new way of being together. The ‘babymoon’ period, when a family is joining each other as a physical unit for the first time, is characterized by an urge to slow down and pull in close.
Renaming Anxiety
However, there is hope and the first step of managing any challenge is to identify it. We must face and name our dragons. So, what is anxiety- really?
Parenting In a Nutshell: Understanding Telos
We all come to this life with inherent capacities and, given the right environment- sun, water, shade, space- we have the capacity to grow into a mighty oak. The way we parent provides the environment for a child’s life.
Why the Sheepskin?
The world is so large for a young baby. Sheepskins create a small delineated part of the world that is cozy and warm. Repeatedly placing the baby on a sheepskin can become familiar and comfortable to them.
The Benefits of Back-lying
Regarding the infant’s motor development, each stage is important in and of itself, and that includes back-lying! The benefits to back-lying are many
Making the Transition to Child Care- A Guide for Parents
Once the decision to attend childcare has been made and you have chosen a center, you can begin thinking about the best ways to help your child, your family, and yourself through this transition.
Self-Initiated Movements
The sequence of self-initiated motor development is generally the same for most babies. However, each baby will progress in their own way and at their own pace. The phases of development overlap, i.e., a walking baby will also crawl, and a sitting baby will also play on their back. In each position, the baby learns to move into and out of the position, maintain it for longer and longer periods of time, and reach and play with toys there.
Getting to know their feet!
It’s very helpful for babies to get to know their feet! This happens in two different ways: when the baby’s feet are airborne, and also when their feet are bearing weight on the floor or other surface.
Making the Transition to Child Care- What to Expect from the Childcare Center and Teachers
A quality transition plan requires that the childcare center, the parents, and the teachers all work together to ensure the child will be successful. The child benefits most when the center, teachers and parents are all in agreement about how they will help the child acclimate.