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Discipline with Heart
As a parent, it is often our unpleasant task to help our children navigate the social-emotional waters of Early Childhood. Behaviors during this time can range from calm and sweet to angry and explosive from one moment to the next. The reality for many of us is that we ourselves don’t quite feel up to the challenge of working with strong emotions. If, when the going gets tough, we can remember to ask ourselves a few questions to help bring understanding and awareness, we are better equipped to help our children.
Self-Soothing and Self-Regulation
Life presents each of us with challenges that we must navigate. The ability to cope with these challenges is established in our first years of life. It begins at first with co-regulation, the adult or caregiver provides a calm presence that the child can mirror.
Time with Self, Time with Others
Even as adults, we need time to ourselves and time to be with others. Both experiences fill us up in their own way. The same is true for the young child. In times of caregiving and connection, the child is surrounded by the warmth and love of the caregiver. In the times a child is left to have experiences on their own, they are developing their sense of self. Both of these experiences help the child get to know who they are and how they fit into the world.
Self-Directed Play
The infant and young child does not need a lot of external stimulation or to be entertained. Simply placing an infant or young child in a safe environment with a variety of materials to explore provides such a rich experience.
Taking it Slowly
These days, the world around us moves fast enough. It can be easy to get caught up in that hurried pace, but what the child needs is space and time. This is also true for adults. Taking the time to slow down benefits the whole family and home environment. Going a bit slower as you move through the day helps your child calm down and speaking more slowly give them time to hear and understand you.
Responding to Your Baby’s Cues
Right from birth, babies are able to communicate. These first cues and signals range from subtle to undeniable. The baby is not only teaching the people around them about their needs and wishes, they are also learning about how the world and the people around them will meet and honor the needs and wishes they express.
Parenting Philosophy
There is so much information out there about how to parent. Learning to hear your inner voice both before and after the baby comes can help you listen to and trust your own instincts.
Growing Into Parenthood
When a new baby enters a family’s life, everything changes. It’s like a carefully constructed jigsaw puzzle has been thrown up into the air and needs to be put back together, but now the picture has changed.
Bedtime Wind-Down
In this 34 minute video, Val will guide you and your family through a gentle and comforting routine that will allow your mind and body to prepare for sleep. The only props needed are pillows and you can even practice in bed.
An Introduction to The Handmade Home
When you are a parent of young children, planning what you have in your home and making a commitment to natural and handmade playthings is time consuming until you get the hang of how simple it can be. With just a few small doable changes, you will ease the chaos, slow things down and discover that creating in your home with young children is both possible and enjoyable.
The Story of a Man, His Young Son and a Box Truck
The Story of a man, his young son and a box truck.
Why Attachment?
Attachment Theory is the theory of human relationships. Bringing our children close to us and holding them close keeps them from feeling the alarm of separation and ensures they can mature and develop freely into who they are meant to be.
Contributor Conversation: Self-Care
Contributors Val Laycock and Sara Norris have a candid conversation about self-care as a parent. Together, they discuss the real challenges and the real need for adding moments to care for ourselves so we can care for our children.
Being Present
When a child is free to engage fully in true play, they are able to embody the fullness of every moment.
Completely Normal Child Behaviors
As parents we often feel like we need to repress our children’s completely natural urges, especially when we are in social situations. When children are playing, especially with others, we see them throw and grab and feel the need to prevent or manage the behavior, when in the end, what our child is doing is completely natural and developmentally appropriate.
Shinrin-yoku: The art of Forest Bathing
There is a growing body of research that is paying closer attention to the phenomenon of our body’s reaction to nature. This effect, of feeling better when feeling connected to the natural world (whether it be experienced through a window, a video, a painting, or a walk), is called the biophilia theory. It’s a theory that suggests we have evolution to thank for our reason to seek out nature experiences.
Part of the research being compiled is coming out of the practice of shinrin-yoku in Japan. Shinrin-yoku is literally translated as Forest Bathing.
Sleep and Attachment
It is possible to create a secure attachment if you breastfeed or bottle feed, sleep train or co-sleep, stay at home with your children or go to work, or wear your baby or use a stroller. Don’t get caught up in rigid ways of doing things. Instead, find what helps you to delight in your child.
Life in the Kitchen
Contributor Lauren Hakala shares some insight into how involve children in life in the kitchen.
In The Mud Kitchen
Contributor Lauren Hakala shares some insight into the mud kitchen and the importance it has in outdoor play and budding kitchen skills.
Attachment at Bedtime: Part 1
Contributor, Sara Norris, shares some insight into how Attachment and Bedtime go hand-in-hand.