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Unpolished Parenting
Because parenting isn’t always pretty… sometimes the best we can do is just show up.
Completely Normal Child Behaviors
As parents we often feel like we need to repress our children’s completely natural urges, especially when we are in social situations. When children are playing, especially with others, we see them throw and grab and feel the need to prevent or manage the behavior, when in the end, what our child is doing is completely natural and developmentally appropriate.
“I’m Going with my Lantern…”
A sweet little song for Lantern festivals and other festivals of light!
Season 1- Episode 8: The Future of Joyful Beginnings- Finding Joy in the First Three Years
Hear where Joyful Beginnings is headed from Executive Director, Karen Lamoureux and Program Director, Laura Beatty.
Working as a partner in parenting, the Joyful Beginnings online community offers encouragement and support through the challenges, while also helping parents and caregivers gain confidence in their abilities, bond deeply with their children, and find the moments of joy.