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Season 1- Episode 1: The Beginnings of Joyful Beginnings
Listen as Susan Weber and Nancy Macalaster share the history of the parent support work they began over 20 years ago at Sophia’s Hearth Family Center in Keene, NH. Listen as they share about the inspiration and motivation behind reviving and revitalizing this work into an online community for all those who share their lives with young children, aged pre-birth to three.
Season 1- Episode 2: The Importance of Sleep with Margit Foster of Little Lantern Sleep
Sleep Specialist, Margit Foster talks about the importance of sleep, not just for the infant and young child, but for the parent as well. Margit is passionate about supporting children to healthier sleep habits, and families to happier, simpler and more deeply connected home lives.
Season 1- Episode 3: The Golden Keys to Finding Quality Child care
In this episode, Lauren Hakala shares with us what she refers to as the 5 Golden Keys to Finding Quality Childcare.. Lauren is a long time educator for the young child who has had the opportunity to do this work in many different settings and brings her many years of Childcare experience.
Season 1- Episode 4: The Transition to Child Care
You’ve chosen the right child care setting for your child and your family… now what? Lauren Hakala returns to share with the listener tips and tools for supporting children and parents alike as they make the transition to being in childcare.
Season 1- Episode 5: Sensory and Motor Development with Jane Swain
Pediatric physical therapist and core faculty member of the teacher education program at Sophia’s Hearth, Jane Swain share the benefits of free motor exploration for the growing child. Self-Directed movement not only helps the child better get to know their body, it also helps their developing brains.
Season 1- Episode 6: The Art of Caregiving with Michelle Brooks
During this episode Michelle speaks about the importance of respectful Caregiving. How we speak to, touch, and interact with the child can do so much to help form a healthy, bonded relationship between the child and the caregiver. Respectful caregiving is meant to encourage the child’s participation and to empower the child to eventually take an active role in their self and boldly care.
Season 1- Episode 7: The Social and Emotional Development of the Young Child with Katherine Scharff
Young children struggle as they learn to navigate this complicated world. Listen as Katherine Scharff, experienced Waldorf Early Childhood Educator and director for the teacher training program at Sophia’s Hearth, discuss how we can facilitate the healthy social development of the young child.
Season 1- Episode 8: The Future of Joyful Beginnings- Finding Joy in the First Three Years
Hear where Joyful Beginnings is headed from Executive Director, Karen Lamoureux and Program Director, Laura Beatty.
Working as a partner in parenting, the Joyful Beginnings online community offers encouragement and support through the challenges, while also helping parents and caregivers gain confidence in their abilities, bond deeply with their children, and find the moments of joy.