Topic Tuesday


Join the conversation!

Cozy up with a cup of tea.. (hopefully it’s nap time… if not, come anyway!) Take some time out of your Tuesday afternoon and come chat with us!

This is an open discussion forum for parents and caregivers, to give us each a much needed opportunity to come together for community and conversation. These will be gently guided by our contributors, Sara Norris and Laura Beatty, who will be joined by other guests to share thoughts about a variety of topics.

Each week we will put out a brief eBook, and then meet up via Zoom to discuss. The eBook are intended to provide some background for the discussion, but are in no way required reading for joining.


Join the conversation!

Cozy up with a cup of tea.. (hopefully it’s nap time… if not, come anyway!) Take some time out of your Tuesday afternoon and come chat with us!

This is an open discussion forum for parents and caregivers, to give us each a much needed opportunity to come together for community and conversation. These will be gently guided by our contributors, Sara Norris and Laura Beatty, who will be joined by other guests to share thoughts about a variety of topics.

Each week we will put out a brief eBook, and then meet up via Zoom to discuss. The eBook are intended to provide some background for the discussion, but are in no way required reading for joining.

Welcoming Your Baby
Joyful Beginnings Parenting Support
Mothers' Gathering