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Time with Self, Time with Others
Even as adults, we need time to ourselves and time to be with others. Both experiences fill us up in their own way. The same is true for the young child. In times of caregiving and connection, the child is surrounded by the warmth and love of the caregiver. In the times a child is left to have experiences on their own, they are developing their sense of self. Both of these experiences help the child get to know who they are and how they fit into the world.
Self-Directed Play
The infant and young child does not need a lot of external stimulation or to be entertained. Simply placing an infant or young child in a safe environment with a variety of materials to explore provides such a rich experience.
An Introduction to The Handmade Home
When you are a parent of young children, planning what you have in your home and making a commitment to natural and handmade playthings is time consuming until you get the hang of how simple it can be. With just a few small doable changes, you will ease the chaos, slow things down and discover that creating in your home with young children is both possible and enjoyable.
The Story of a Man, His Young Son and a Box Truck
The Story of a man, his young son and a box truck.
Being Present
When a child is free to engage fully in true play, they are able to embody the fullness of every moment.
Completely Normal Child Behaviors
As parents we often feel like we need to repress our children’s completely natural urges, especially when we are in social situations. When children are playing, especially with others, we see them throw and grab and feel the need to prevent or manage the behavior, when in the end, what our child is doing is completely natural and developmentally appropriate.
Season 2- Episode 4: The Importance of Play for the Young Child
Listen as Sarah Baldwin of Bella Luna Toys talks with us about the importance of free play for the child. Giving a child the space and time to explore and experiment with their toys, and other materials, helps them develop competence, independence, and creativity!
As the owner of Bella Luna Toys, Sarah is excited to share her experience and knowledge of children, play and Waldorf toys in a new way.