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Tips for Falling Back Without Falling Down
Remember before having kids when the fall back time change meant an extra hour of much needed sleep? Unfortunately, our little ones’ internal clocks do not change just because the time on the clock changes.
Sleep and Attachment
It is possible to create a secure attachment if you breastfeed or bottle feed, sleep train or co-sleep, stay at home with your children or go to work, or wear your baby or use a stroller. Don’t get caught up in rigid ways of doing things. Instead, find what helps you to delight in your child.
The Transition from Two Naps to One
It can be challenging to know when to transition your child from two naps to one. It is all the more difficult, because there is often a period when two naps are too much sleep and one nap is not enough. Here are some tips to help you navigate the big midday nap transition.
Sleepy Cues vs. Overtired Signs: Cracking the Code
A common mistake when it comes to reading sleepy cues is confusing sleepy cues with overtired signs. Every child cues a little differently, but let’s break down the difference between common sleepy cues and overtired signs.
Saying What We Mean About Sleep
It can be frustrating to enforce boundaries around sleep or hear our children be upset during sleep training. As children will follow our lead on how they feel about sleep, it is important to guide them with our own positive attitude and grounded approach.
Debunking the Bedtime Myth
A common misunderstanding about children’s bedtime is that it should be at the same time every evening -- for example, always 7pm. Yes, when day sleep is adequate, bedtime will often fall around the same time each day. However, when naps are mistimed, absent, or short, a flexible bedtime becomes a useful tool.
7 Tips for Bedtime Battles
Do you struggle to get your child into bed and to stay in bed at bedtime? Here are some tips to make bedtime a little easier.
Season 1- Episode 2: The Importance of Sleep with Margit Foster of Little Lantern Sleep
Sleep Specialist, Margit Foster talks about the importance of sleep, not just for the infant and young child, but for the parent as well. Margit is passionate about supporting children to healthier sleep habits, and families to happier, simpler and more deeply connected home lives.