Module 1:
Easing Into Parenthood
Growing Into Parenthood
When a new baby enters a family’s life, everything changes. It’s like a carefully constructed jigsaw puzzle has been thrown up into the air and needs to be put back together, but now the picture has changed.
Preparing the Physical Environment
What do you really need to create a warm and loving space in your home for your baby? When you visit any store or website, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume and cost of things available.
Parenting Philosophy
There is so much information out there about how to parent. Learning to hear your inner voice both before and after the baby comes can help you listen to and trust your own instincts.
Postpartum Support
No matter how a new child enters your life, it will be overwhelming. As prepared as you may be, anything can happen. Remember you are not alone and help is available.