Our guest today is Dr. Debbie Laurin. Dr. Laurin is an international presenter and author about child well-being, child mental health, and childcare routines.
Debbie uniquely interweaves information from mainstream research with the principles of Waldorf Early Childhood Education to create a unique tapestry to support child wellbeing. She embraces an approach based on anti-bias education and respectful childcare practices grounded in diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Debbie brings experience as a former Waldorf Kindergarten and Parent and Child teacher, and her curiosity and wonder of the young child continue to grow joyfully through her experiences as a grandmother to three. Debbie is involved with an international group working towards their Pikler® Pedagogue certification and she trains in the U.S. and at the Emmi Pikler Daycare in Budapest, Hungary.
Dr. Laurin is Director of the Birth to Three West Coast Institute Waldorf Teacher Training, she is a member of the Scientific committee with Pikler®/USA and works with the WECAN Birth-to-Three advisory group.
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