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Shinrin-yoku: The art of Forest Bathing
There is a growing body of research that is paying closer attention to the phenomenon of our body’s reaction to nature. This effect, of feeling better when feeling connected to the natural world (whether it be experienced through a window, a video, a painting, or a walk), is called the biophilia theory. It’s a theory that suggests we have evolution to thank for our reason to seek out nature experiences.
Part of the research being compiled is coming out of the practice of shinrin-yoku in Japan. Shinrin-yoku is literally translated as Forest Bathing.
Storytelling as Self Care
How is sharing your story a form of self-care? Kathleen Bowen from the Center for Biography and Social Art shares what can happen when we take time to pause and look at the story of our lives.
A Parent’s Development in the Fourth Trimester
Contributor, Nancy Macalaster shares the three important connections to create and maintain the first three months of your baby’s life.
Three Step Meditation for Busy Moms
If you're a mom, most likely you are juggling caring for your child or children, your home, perhaps a spouse and as if this isn’t enough you may also be holding down a job outside of this work. And this is the short list! One question: where in this list is there time for taking care of yourself? Mamas, can you relate? What if I told you you can have it all including the time it takes to put yourself first on this list, allowing for more ease, peace, and joy in all the other areas? Now do I have your attention?