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Tips for Falling Back Without Falling Down
Remember before having kids when the fall back time change meant an extra hour of much needed sleep? Unfortunately, our little ones’ internal clocks do not change just because the time on the clock changes.
Shinrin-yoku: The art of Forest Bathing
There is a growing body of research that is paying closer attention to the phenomenon of our body’s reaction to nature. This effect, of feeling better when feeling connected to the natural world (whether it be experienced through a window, a video, a painting, or a walk), is called the biophilia theory. It’s a theory that suggests we have evolution to thank for our reason to seek out nature experiences.
Part of the research being compiled is coming out of the practice of shinrin-yoku in Japan. Shinrin-yoku is literally translated as Forest Bathing.
Secular, Gender-Neutral Mealtime Blessings
Over the years we have sung and said many blessings at our table. Saying or singing a blessing when you sit down together helps everyone to slow down and center before eating. It also fosters a deep sense of gratitude.
I recently revisited some of our favourite blessings and rewrote them to emphasize our gratitude in a secular and gender-neutral way.
A Daily Rhythm
I first began learning about Waldorf education when I attended my first session of Waldorf Parent Child Classes. At first, I didn’t know much other than what I had experienced in those classes and I wanted to learn more. I found that one common and confusing theme was Rhythm. It was described as an ‘in-breath and an out-breath’ an ‘expansion and contraction’, but how could I create it in real life with a toddler?
Season 2- Episode 3: Building Security in the Young Child Through Rhythm
Join us as Meagan Wilson, parent educator and author of the now-retired seasonal series of Whole Family Rhythms Guide, talks to us about how building supportive home rhythms helps your child feel secure and move more easily through the day.