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Why the Sheepskin?
The world is so large for a young baby. Sheepskins create a small delineated part of the world that is cozy and warm. Repeatedly placing the baby on a sheepskin can become familiar and comfortable to them.
The Benefits of Back-lying
Regarding the infant’s motor development, each stage is important in and of itself, and that includes back-lying! The benefits to back-lying are many
Self-Initiated Movements
The sequence of self-initiated motor development is generally the same for most babies. However, each baby will progress in their own way and at their own pace. The phases of development overlap, i.e., a walking baby will also crawl, and a sitting baby will also play on their back. In each position, the baby learns to move into and out of the position, maintain it for longer and longer periods of time, and reach and play with toys there.
Season 1- Episode 5: Sensory and Motor Development with Jane Swain
Pediatric physical therapist and core faculty member of the teacher education program at Sophia’s Hearth, Jane Swain share the benefits of free motor exploration for the growing child. Self-Directed movement not only helps the child better get to know their body, it also helps their developing brains.
Getting to know their feet!
It’s very helpful for babies to get to know their feet! This happens in two different ways: when the baby’s feet are airborne, and also when their feet are bearing weight on the floor or other surface.