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A Warm Welcome
In the womb, the baby does not experience the discomforts of the outside world. Life outside the warmth and protection of the womb can be a bit of a shock. Keeping a newborn warm not only soothes the baby, but it allows the baby to focus on growth and development rather than having to work to keep warm.
Welcome to the World
The world is busy, bright, and overwhelming to the newborn. It takes a little bit of time for babies to become familiar with the world around them. Taking the time to prepare and be aware of the environment helps ease this transition for the baby.
Preparing the Physical Environment
What do you really need to create a warm and loving space in your home for your baby? When you visit any store or website, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume and cost of things available.
An Introduction to The Handmade Home
When you are a parent of young children, planning what you have in your home and making a commitment to natural and handmade playthings is time consuming until you get the hang of how simple it can be. With just a few small doable changes, you will ease the chaos, slow things down and discover that creating in your home with young children is both possible and enjoyable.
Simple Holidays
Our Christmas isn’t big or full of presents (they each get one) but for me, it’s exactly what I want my children’s memories to be filled with. My hope is that from it, they carry love and warmth and light with them out of this season and into the next.