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The 5 Golden Keys to Finding Quality Child Care
Upon visiting, touring and observing, parents or guardians can ask themselves….Can you imagine yourself bringing your child here every day and can you then imagine your child here? If you have answered yes to these questions, then you can look into all the details of enrollment and see if it is a good fit for your family.
Making the Transition to Child Care- A Guide for Parents
Once the decision to attend childcare has been made and you have chosen a center, you can begin thinking about the best ways to help your child, your family, and yourself through this transition.
Season 1- Episode 3: The Golden Keys to Finding Quality Child care
In this episode, Lauren Hakala shares with us what she refers to as the 5 Golden Keys to Finding Quality Childcare.. Lauren is a long time educator for the young child who has had the opportunity to do this work in many different settings and brings her many years of Childcare experience.
Season 1- Episode 4: The Transition to Child Care
You’ve chosen the right child care setting for your child and your family… now what? Lauren Hakala returns to share with the listener tips and tools for supporting children and parents alike as they make the transition to being in childcare.
Making the Transition to Child Care- What to Expect from the Childcare Center and Teachers
A quality transition plan requires that the childcare center, the parents, and the teachers all work together to ensure the child will be successful. The child benefits most when the center, teachers and parents are all in agreement about how they will help the child acclimate.