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A Parent’s Development in the Fourth Trimester
Contributor, Nancy Macalaster shares the three important connections to create and maintain the first three months of your baby’s life.
Development in the First Three Months
Contributor, Nancy Macalaster answers the question, ‘how is my baby developing during the 4th Trimester and what is the parent’s role during this time together?’.
The Fourth Trimester
Contributor, Nancy Macalaster shares what is happening in our children’s development during the first three months of life. Otherwise known as; The Fourth Trimester.
Season 1- Episode 6: The Art of Caregiving with Michelle Brooks
During this episode Michelle speaks about the importance of respectful Caregiving. How we speak to, touch, and interact with the child can do so much to help form a healthy, bonded relationship between the child and the caregiver. Respectful caregiving is meant to encourage the child’s participation and to empower the child to eventually take an active role in their self and boldly care.